Are Zowum's replica furniture items identical to the originals?
Our replicas are carefully crafted to closely match the design, look, and feel of the original pieces, using high-quality materials to ensure durability and aesthetics.
Can I request customizations for the furniture?
Yes, we offer customization services for certain products. You can choose materials, colors, and sizes to better suit your space. Contact us for more details.
What materials are used in Zowum's furniture?
We use premium materials such as solid wood, stainless steel, tempered glass, and high-grade upholstery to ensure both quality and style.
Do you provide warranties for your furniture?
Yes, we offer a 1-year warranty on all products to cover manufacturing defects. Please refer to our warranty policy for more information.
Can I see the furniture before purchasing?
We currently operate as an online store. However, our detailed product descriptions, images, and customer reviews are designed to help you make an informed decision.